The pastor lacks the courage to stand up to one of the church's tenets (Harmon School) who terrorize children and who lack the qualities of a real school. When the school was broke, teachers underpaid, and parents being charged for small field trips, the principal at Harmon school) showed up in a brand new BMW. And the fact that this is happening on church property and the pastor and congregants do nothing about it tells me, and you, everything you need to know about the pastor and the church.
I come work over here occasionally and always feel reminded of our hope in God looking at the steeple. I always look for it. Please remain a beacon of hope in this community.
The communion service was way too long and repetitive.Why not hand out the bread and wine to everyone and Pastor can give one saying. I love going to the church and the contemporary blend you have developed but 25 minutes of repetition is a little much. Mitch Peterson